There you go..... my point is proved again.... your obsession has turned you to the dark side oh Nemmiewalker.
Look it's quite simple. Who starts all the shit about history and how much you dislike me or other people. Lets go back to the last ten times it has happened and have a look. Quelle surprise it's you.
So it's you who ensures I return to point out your bullshit therefore it is you who is clearly obsessed not I.
But keep on calling me it by all means I find it highly amusing.
So every time I post one of your followers tell you so you can come here and spout your shite? Yeah right of course that is the case.
Yes, its quite simple, I am glad you grasped it at last and for the record I don't have followers just friends. I make no attempt to influence the people around me by constantly peddling my version of events until they believe it all despite a lot of it defying any sensible logic.
Because you are... worse still you are doing exactly what you claim I am doing.
Already proved this is nonsense but as I said keep throwing it and keep me chuckling.
And you are not posting negativity now or posting constant gripping? Yeah okay.
Nope I am defending me and my friends against your lies. So cut out the poison and then I can go back to $&%#ing over my computer parts as you so eloquently put it.
Are you that dense? Right I supply 100 roms to the scene. I cannot play these roms because I do not have the emulator that runs them, however half a dozen folk do hence I am lining their pockets... got that?
Lining their pockets is an expression that is used with created wealth I suppose at a stretch you could associate ROMS to money but previously when this has been done you have gone absolutely apeshit so who is the dense one? Or is it one rule for you and one rule for anyone else.
Tell you what is dumb is some one claiming I do nothing for the scene resources wise. If you cannot see that then it is you who is dumb. Also if you cannot see the logic in the point above you are double dumb..
I never said that so I have no idea why you are bringing it in to the discussion. Also that paragraph doesn't make sense, dummy.
You have not yet made one valid point to support your case what ever that might be.
Yes I know you can't see the wood for the trees, I know you are dumb and blinkered but others aren't and as you like to say so much "I will leave them to draw their own conclusions"
I am am I? Then why did I ask for the link? Doh. Remember just because AT says it is true does not make is so. Again however even if I did know how could I do anything about it? <--- you again miss that vital point.
No I didn't. It's just not that relevant, knowing about it beforehand and posting the link in FF as soon as it appeared really spat in the face of the coder and proves involvement now you are paying the price for your actions but you are incapable of taking any responsibility for anything.
LMAO.....erm no, I've read the logs and I can make up my own mind. Did you ever manage to get into a long term relationship or you still living with mummy? Lack of basic human interaction maybe.
No really you couldn't be more wrong. So you obviously have not read any logs at all, I never even spoke to anyone on IRC you clown.
Left home at 19, I have my own house and my own girlfriend, keep trying with the personal fabrication though, desperado.
However you calling me dumb and that I lack basic human interaction skills is not a personal attack.... erm okay. Hypocrite.
No thicky. I am making statements based on your behaviour in this thread and on forums I am not attempting to win the argument by making up nonsense about your private life that my alcoholic friend told me.
Yeah it is you. Do you realise you have NEVER successfully 'beaten' me in any argument yet. The more you try the dafter you look because you lack one basic thing - proof. Keep trying though, maybe one day maybe.
This paragraph is just comedy gold and I will be adding it to my sig shortly.