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Fiery Phoenix

Member Since 03 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active May 06 2015 04:17 PM

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Barcrest Blackjack Club

28 April 2015 - 10:32 AM

Hi - unable to find any information on this machine.  I presently own it but am looking to sell (probably via ebay) does anyone have an idea of the value of the machine to start the aucton at?  Or anything I need to look out on th unit, faults, etc?


It is in pretty good nick, lights, sounds, display, etc are all working.


Currently unable to get my pound coins out of it - seems they do not come out in the tray at the bottom along with the 20p's.  I think they drop above it - there is a small lock just under the Blackjack logo but the I cannot open it - seems half a key is stuck inside it! Doh


I saw the sticky - not sure if I would be allowed to post an ad for sale - would I be classed as a regular user??  Joined back in 2008 but only made a few posts.

