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Member Since 21 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 26 2008 09:17 PM

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Anyone remember this one?

21 January 2008 - 11:32 AM

Hi all, new to here and being aged 33 my god have some memories have been brought back from the many days of my youth I spent in Blackpool pumping bandits full of 10 pences!!!! My fav bandit of all time has to be Barcrests Stop the Clock but I'm trying to track down another fav of mine! It was a 2p machine and it was called 'Checkout'. Can't remember who produced it but I remember it was based on shopping and you had to fill a certain amount of tin cans to get onto the feature board. Does anyone remember it? Went to Blackpool on holiday in the late 80's and me and my sister spent all day on it!!!! Great site by the way!!! ;)