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Member Since 11 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 15 2014 12:52 PM

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Need help fixing my Bobby Dazzler Scorpion 5 machine

11 April 2014 - 04:01 PM

Hi all,


I'm pretty new to owning a fruit machine but know I have run into some problems. The Scorpion 5 Bobby Dazzler machine I have has been stored at my brothers for a time where it was working fine. I finally got the space to put it at mine and eventually get it moved and found it was dead.


Checking the main board the battery had leaked and corroded the tracks so I bought a new Scorpion 5 board. It was advertised as tested and working and it did bring it back to life but with some errors.


The two errors that come up on display are - Fatal IIC 2; followed by Security ERR 41. I assumed maybe the main board wasn't working correctly so I sent it back and they sent a new one but it has the same issue.


Does anyone have any idea where to start looking for the fault on this?


Thanks in advance.