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Member Since 23 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 23 2008 11:24 PM

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In Topic: Buzzing machine and nothing else !! Help plz

23 January 2008 - 11:24 PM

In my instance the buzzing was coming from my speaker ( sorry I forgot to mention that )

Wondering if you meant that lincsleisure1 , or if you mean a noise from the MPU4 baord itself ?

Anyway , still on and working ok at this time.

Will see what happens in the morning , when I switch it on.

In Topic: Buzzing machine and nothing else !! Help plz

23 January 2008 - 08:41 PM

Thanks for the replies ...

I had allready checked the fuses and all conections...to no avail.

But when I read your replies ... I went back to the PSU and left the machine on a while ...

was about to give up and gave it a BIG KICK...

Now it is working again and has been on a couple of hours.

I suppose this means the PSU has either a dry joint....or could be on its last legs ...

I will replace if the problem re-occurs ... as I know it can only get worse if I leave it as it is.