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Member Since 25 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 20 2008 09:53 AM

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In Topic: Help with BarCrest (Vivid) Car Wash

27 January 2008 - 07:00 AM

any chance of you uploading the roms

I would not know where to start!

In Topic: Help with BarCrest (Vivid) Car Wash

26 January 2008 - 11:04 PM

I fiddled about with the fuse and also with a piece of looped (insulated) wire touching across the contacts, managed to make a connection, light the LED and get it working. Tested the fuses again and they are all OK. I'm guessing the MUX is gone. Would anyone on here have a spare they want to sell?

The details on the board read:

BARCREST 2001 - MUX5E - XP19642 ISS3

Kind regards


In Topic: Help with BarCrest (Vivid) Car Wash

25 January 2008 - 05:04 PM

I did notice when I was checking the fuses as I put one back in, the LED next to the fuses flickered briefly but only the once and hasn't done since. If I pull one fuse, nothing happens (one next to the LED), If I pull the other fuse the machine gets a tad angry and screams "Hey Check it out".

In Topic: Help with BarCrest (Vivid) Car Wash

25 January 2008 - 05:02 PM

There are two LEDs. I'm not 100% what I'm dealing with so bear with me:

The LED next to the fuses is out, when it worked fine this would be green. Is this the 34v light?

The other LED is "flashing its twat off".

In Topic: Who here owns their own fruit machine(s)?

25 January 2008 - 04:00 PM

First and only:

Barcrest Vivid Carwash set on 10p/£5

Got program chips and decals to run it at 25p/£25

(currently a bit poorly)