just tried my plug same as yours and hey presto now diverting to cashbox when hopper full .. thanks for all the helpOk on mine it is pin 2 to pin 9 pin 4 to pin 10 and pin 9b to 11.Thats the setting for the cashflow mech not mei.
- Fruit-Emu
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In Topic: Bar-x7 hopper / coin mech problem
24 November 2016 - 04:52 PM
In Topic: Bar-x7 hopper / coin mech problem
23 November 2016 - 08:59 PM
Here is how my board is wired
In Topic: Bar-x7 hopper / coin mech problem
23 November 2016 - 07:19 PM
Right just found hd3 and hd4 not plugged into main board with another plug with 6 pin holes not plugged into anything that is linked to both of the plugs I found unplugged.. does anyone have any idea where that I supposed to go
In Topic: Bar-x7 hopper / coin mech problem
22 November 2016 - 05:11 PM
worth a try I suppose but already used 2 different main boards so would think that would do similar
The only other thing i can suggest is to flick one of the 8 dip switches with the machine turned off. Power on, (you should hear a funny noise) then turn power off and put the dip switch back to where it was before. Power back on and see if that works.
In Topic: Bar-x7 hopper / coin mech problem
22 November 2016 - 01:38 PM
I can see reason for £250 hopper float on these if it does go on a very big roll .. I had over £200 last night on minejust tried this even after £300 still going into hopper.. really annoying me now
Ok thanks mate I'll try tonight
Dumped it while empty so it knew there was nothing in there and then just played it with pound coins till they backed mate.
Also just to note, the more I think about this, them more I'm sure it was Magic 10 and although it had no notey it held 250 coins and just wouldn't revert to the normal 125 you would expect for a £25 jp machine without a notey lol
- Fruit-Emu
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