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Member Since 29 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Feb 26 2018 08:45 PM

Topics I've Started

Bar-x7 hopper / coin mech problem

17 November 2016 - 08:08 PM

Hi I've just purchased a barx7 . I've filled hopper up with required £1 coins and pressed hopper top up . It's making the noise to say full but all coins are still going into hopper . No £1 coins are going to bottom at all .. If I put refil key in it says £251 in hopper but still allows you to carry on putting coins even though it's above what hopper holds . Any help will be much appreciated
Thanks in advance peter

barx 7 or magic 7 wanted

23 October 2016 - 12:28 PM

hi all im looking for a barx 7 or magic 7 to add to my collection if anybody as one let me know

thanks peter

Boulder dash mpu4 error

11 June 2014 - 04:52 PM

Hi all I've got a 1997 mpu4 based boulder dash that runs perfect until you collect  a win and then you get LVD TRIP ERROR and error 90 on lower display.. It's a low voltage 24v payout solenoid  using a known working green label psu.. Mpu board is a known worker and i have run out of ideas of where to look for fault so any advice would be very much appreciated 

Boulder dash wanted

16 May 2014 - 08:02 PM

Hi all I'm looking for a barcrest boulder dash fruit machine to finish off my wanted list from late 90s mpu5 machines.. Can pick up.. If anybody as one or knows of the whereabouts of please let me know

Many thanks Peter 

Frenzy reset problem

08 May 2014 - 09:17 PM

I'm having a problem with my mpu5 frenzy just restarting either in middle of the game or when just stood in standby. It did it when i first had machine but seemed to have stopped untilttonight when it did it 3 times in quick succession and then twice while playing and on second time it reset credits but everything else stayed correct.. 

As anybody any idea what may be causing problem