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Member Since 13 May 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 21 2022 10:17 PM

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Touch Screen All-In-One, Megatouch, itbox, quiz machine help.

13 May 2014 - 06:32 PM



Im a new poster looking for some advice hopefully. Ive recently aquired an all-in-one touchscreen PC running windows 7 (thinking of moving to windows 8). Im  looking to use it for all media use (TV, Movie streaming,installing a jukebox program) but what im stuck on are the megatouch/itbox/swp quiz machine games.


Ive downloaded both the 37 SWP Game Torrent thats going about and all of the touch roms/emulators/files from http://reproserv.no-ip.org/forum.ghp, and can play them no problem with the required emulators, but ive learned of a "Front End" program called SimpleTouch FE, which would make it easier for my family to access and play the games, yet every time I try to add agmes I get errors.


I keep hearing about MAME, but ive never had any experience with it and it seems alot more vast than just these touch screen quiz games, and Ive no experience coding, but I was hoping that someone could at least point me in the right direction regarding my dilema, im missing something but just cant see it.


Anyways im looking forward to your reply,


Cheers, Dean