hey guys i'v been away for a few years. now i'm back with a new laptop but I cant locate mfme. can somone please link me up
- Fruit-Emu
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: zerocode
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- Age 32 years old
- Birthday June 22, 1992
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i cant find mfme
05 January 2019 - 03:44 AM
famous fruit machine sounds
08 March 2016 - 08:50 PM
hey guys, I produce drum and bass music. i'm looking to include my love of fruities in a tune.
few things I need some help with.
first and foremost what are YOUR favourite bandit sounds and the most well recognisable
secondly if anyone has any decent quality sound files to send me that would be awesome as it would save me a job of direct ripping them
looking forward to your replies as we could yak this one over for bloody weeks
Local cashino getting worse
28 January 2015 - 11:23 AM
a few of you probably read my last post where I ranted about my local cashino getting rid of all machines with feature boards for low tech bar x style machines. well I visited yesterday and was gobsmacked to find that half the floorspace has now been taken up by a bloody pool table! some would think its a smart move on their behalf but there is a pool hall 2 streets away that has free tables so I realy don't see the point other than trying to make the room look full.
its finaly happened :(
15 January 2015 - 09:14 PM
the only arcade within miles of me that was worth a visit, as i'm stuck in the arse end of nowhere in tayside is a cashino. it used to have a few decent machines but I'm not long getting back from the most depressing flutter of my life. i'm not a big player, i'm quite content to walk in with a score bung a couple of quid into each 5jpt play a few boards and leave, but now there is absolutely nothing left that is worth my time or money. they used to have crazy fruits green, red hot roll, demon streak and golden keys that i'd play but now its just barx, partytime and the 500's that's me pretty much out the game now. it was NEVER about the money. I'd go for a cup of tea/cake and an hour or so of entertainment. seriously gutted there is no fun to any of these machines anymore.
- Fruit-Emu
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