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Member Since 01 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 02 2014 04:04 PM

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In Topic: B3 bpak new games downloads

06 August 2014 - 09:31 PM

Sorry to ask again, but I have monty python 7 and this runs although this still no pie gamble.
Has anyone got Grand casino with pie?

In Topic: Video Based Bpak Files

04 August 2014 - 08:44 PM

May wait a bit longer, Mrs wont be happy with me spending 2-3k..
Just a shame I cant get my rio upgraded to run riches 777 version with pie. Id be happy with that.

In Topic: Video Based Bpak Files

04 August 2014 - 08:15 PM

Nice one, what price are they at now?
Thinking of selling my rio and upgrading.

In Topic: B3 bpak new games downloads

04 August 2014 - 06:28 AM

I've been asking about for an answer to this for some time.
I want the pie gambler on my machine.

Can it be done on my equipment?
If yes can anyone guide me and whats required?

I have backups of the currect system and the only thing I would like is this.

I dont mind paying to have it upgraded or someone to upgrade it.

Hope someone can help.

In Topic: B3 bpak new games downloads

02 August 2014 - 03:00 PM

I download all that I have from the repro.
I have the following versions.Attached File  2014-07-16 21.18.14.jpg   74.95KB   2 downloads