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Member Since 10 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 03 2009 05:29 PM

Topics I've Started

Impulse Cash Ahoy

12 July 2008 - 05:24 PM

Been offered one of these for a ton'ish.

Whats your opinion on the price an the machine. I have had a quick search in the download section but not seen it emulated there.

Thanks in advance


Nintendo DS

02 June 2008 - 05:54 PM

Anyone no anything about these cartridges which enable you to play backups? ;)
Wheres best to get one?

How to build your own PC on the cheap!!

07 March 2008 - 04:15 AM

Don't laugh - it's still better than one of those books off Ebay


Rogan Dosh/Hellraiser

11 February 2008 - 08:07 PM

Hi ive had a look round but cannot find these two machines:

Rogan Dosh

Hellraiser/flamin hot >>>This machine has a few varieties but essentialy the same machine. Its one of the ones with the diamond feature board that is blue and then goes red, and has mega streaks on.

I presume these two have not been done/wont be done but can anyone suggest some similar machines?


MFME wont work

11 February 2008 - 07:02 AM

Hi. I have had this working on one pc at work running xp, but tried at home on another xp box and back at work an it wont run properly.

When i first run it it hangs for about thirty seconds and then will finally let me try to load a game. As soon as i load a game it just completely freezes and says not responding.

Any clues?