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Dagenham Dave

Member Since 14 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 25 2008 01:50 PM

Topics I've Started

Cops N Robbers Myth, Maybe

24 February 2008 - 10:52 AM

Firstly I would like to says thanks for this game, and the couple of other I have got in my very short time here.

I have searched the forum for this but have been unable to find my answer, also appologies if I have asked this in the wrong place.

I was told along time ago that there is a feature called "Helicopter" (May not be the correct name) within the Hidden Loot square on the outer gameboard. I have played this game for quite a few times and have never had this, does it actually exist? Or have I been told a lie?

If it does exist how on earth do you get this feature?

Many thanks for the help.

Dagenham Dave.