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Member Since 28 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 21 2009 12:19 PM

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In Topic: Help Please.

01 March 2008 - 10:59 AM

I've solved it now. It was the cash box connection. I noticed it was also paying all the cash in one as opposed to three pound at a time. I disconnected one of the wires and it works fine now and is macing me all the time !!

In Topic: Help Please.

29 February 2008 - 03:56 PM

I'm certainly not moaning but know its not right.

I've owned loads of machines and it shouldnt keep paying out like this.

By the way I read somewhere that somewone was look at buting the Casino Crazy Machine on e bay.

I used to own the machine and sols it to the current seller.

It said error 9.3 before it packed up. Think it needs a new mother board.

In Topic: Help Please.

29 February 2008 - 03:39 PM

Any ideas then.

I'm gutted as all it does is put me on the feature all the time.

Wanted this machine for ages.

Would be very grateful

In Topic: Help Please.

29 February 2008 - 03:32 PM

Its a 25 pound Jackpot 25 pence play.

I have probably put 150-200 pound in it since I bought it and it has paid about 400 out.

Its as though it is on freeplay and constantly puts me on the feature board. It lets me go to Super Series almost everytime and gives me Jackpot Repeater.

Would be nice if I was in a pub of course but no good at home.

Was thinking it may be something to do with the door switch.

It is set at 74%.


In Topic: help with my machine please

29 February 2008 - 02:18 PM

Does anyone know why my Wipeout machine pays the Jackpot all the time ? Just bought it and got it home. It plays fine but keeps paying the jackpot. I only need put a tenner in it !!!!