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Member Since 27 Apr 2003
Offline Last Active Nov 06 2017 11:13 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Union Jackpots

20 February 2010 - 06:56 PM

been playing there machines all morning,some r quite good

It's about time that UJ was up and running but I can see that they have been putting alot of work, time and effort in order to make the site and the Client software usual, all-in-all it has been worth the wait, but as already pointed out by Duplu, there are still some issues and area's that need further work, but this is where we as community of experienced fruit machine players can provide advise and pointers that will aid UJ in the future updates of what they provided so far..

I am currently playing Treasure Island (Free Play) and have reached over £90,972.24 if only this was real money right now... what fun I would be having... (See attached image)


In Topic: SWP - INDIE.7z megaupload - A Dozen SWP Machines - DOND etc megaupload downlo...

10 November 2009 - 08:08 PM

Cheers youbrokeit, all is working well now.... thank you...

In Topic: A Dozen SWP Machines - DOND etc..

10 November 2009 - 02:30 PM

I still can't get the IND:E_cursor.exe to work... see screen shot below... I have placed the INDE folder in2 the root of C drive but still can't get it 2 work... sorry I might seem a bit stupid but nothing seems just as straight forward as 1 might think if u all understand what I mean..

Thank u in advance 4 any help and advice.

In Topic: SWP - INDIE.7z megaupload - A Dozen SWP Machines - DOND etc megaupload downlo...

09 November 2009 - 07:53 PM

Just additional to post above...

I have tried running the IND:E-Cursor.exe file again and I get the follow on screen message... any ideas on how to solve this please.

Thanks again

In Topic: DVD Ripping

09 November 2009 - 07:49 PM

Will this let me burn them onto discs?

Chasnbons, the DVDDecrypter can also write DVD's just there is an option called 'Mode@, in there select ISO (2 options select the 2nd option 'W') this will change the program screen display and indicate that u can burn from HD to DVD... it is very straight 4ward and although I haven't as yet burned a DVD, I have read that it works a treat...