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Member Since 09 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 09 2008 06:40 PM

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please help me put a name to this fruity...

09 March 2008 - 05:22 PM

Hello all,

I'm very new to fruit machine emulation, and it's got me wondering about a machine I used to play at the local snooker club in my younger days.

My memories are hazy, but It was a four reel £250 jackpot machine, the win symbols and values were displayed in a column up the middle. It had the 'barcode' feature, the bigger the bars, the better the available features. The features I remember are choose a win (one of the lowest), one called snake where you would have a snake on a board of 50p & £1 coin symbols, and the best feature, winspins (maximum barcode needed, i.e. 3 triple bars and a double), usually paying $150-£300. I dont know who made the machine.

I know thats not much to go on, but does anyone have any idea what it was called, or at least narrow it down a bit?

Also, if anyone does know what I'm talking about, is there an emualtion available.

Thanks for any help