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Member Since 21 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active May 20 2015 12:30 PM

Topics I've Started

Cash In Cash Out Not Saving

11 May 2015 - 03:23 PM

Hi everyone, when playing Emu's I've noticed that the "Cash in and Cash out" metres are not saving. I look at the meters and for example they will read "cash in £50 cash out £20", so I play the emulation for a while and obviously the meters go up to say for example "cash in £100 cash out £60" but when I close the emulator and start it up again the meters are the same from the beginning ("cash in £50 cash out £20 and not the same as when I closed the emulator being "cash in £100 cash out £60", they are just not saving and would just like them to so it's more realistic, can anyone please suggest anything on how to save them? Thank you so much. I've tried "saving state" but that does nothing, cheers again.

10000 / 100000 Spins Target %

10 May 2015 - 04:49 PM

I read a while back on BACTA that a machine should hit target % at either 10000 or 100000 spins?! Does anyone else completely disagree and think that is the biggest load of rubbish ever? That means a £1 stake machine takes £10000 or £100000 to be on target %, what the hell?! We know a machine isnt capable of taking that ridiculous amount to pay or meet it's target% but that's what BACTA states! Can anybody please explain this to me? Very appreciated and grateful guys honestly, I do not understand this.


10 May 2015 - 03:16 PM

Hi all, big apologies for another silly thread, it's just another thing is bugging me. Playing an Austin Powers emulation and the VTP never goes up? Understand it's Value Total Played and should go up by 3 each time £1 is played through on a 30p stake? Very odd it is just not going up, thank you big time for any answers everyone!

B3 Random? % ?

07 May 2015 - 10:14 AM

Hi all just very confused as to why the B3 machines are considered "random" when they still display a % payout on them?! In theory if they are truly random does this mean premises can actually lose cash if they were to pay big a lot of the time to the player "randomly" (very unlikely I understand but this is what confuses me big time about the whole "random") Or do they just work to the % shown on them? I come across loads of them stating "92 % payout" but then read "B3 machines are random" Sorry random post but really bugging me, surely if "random" then premises could in fact not make any financial gain if the machine randomly keeps paying (again I understand so unlikely). Many many thanks everyone who can help with this! Cheers