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Member Since 15 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 26 2014 06:43 PM

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In Topic: Can you not see the whole machine on your PC?

16 October 2014 - 02:45 PM

A frequent problem for FME users this, there are 2 possibilities that contribute to this

1) You have a 17" or so monitor on a small resolution
This should be easy to fix, by increasing the resolution through the control panel.

2) You are a laptop user with a smaller screen
Unfortunately there is little that can be done about this. Your laptop will have a smaller resolution than a standard 17" screen. You will have to download a smaller version of the layout(if it is available)

So..........What can YOU do about it!
1) If the machine is running on MFME 3, your layout should be able to be auto resize
2) If your layout is running on BFMu, you won't see the whole machine but scrolling up and down using keys should work.
3) If your machine is not running on these emulators, IE it is on 9.4, you will have to download a smaller version for your screen.

Please check the size of the layout you are downloading, it is available on the download page for the layout or on the release thread

1024DX Min resolution required 1024x768
1280DX Min resolution required 1280x1024*
1600DX Min resolution required 1600x1200

* Be aware running on a laptop with resolution 1440x900, you will not be able to see the bottom of the machine either.

FOR MORE INFORMATION! There are more replies on the same sticky topic in General FME Discussion however I dont really know how to copy entire threads yet...Bear with me on it, but for the meantime do check that post there aswell if you can't figure it out.

I found that if you right click on the laptop screen and sort your screen orientation to portrait that can help with not seeing the whole screen, however on my particular laptop the mouse pad gets messed up. Won't be the same for everyone ,i've already got used to the controls