Hi 2 all on here. I have got an Elvis machine with a fault. I've got a Mk 4 & a Mk 5 pc for. The mk 4 try to boot then comes up with 2 black screens and the mk 5 has issues like lines goin through the screen which I think is dodgy graphics card etc. Also when does try and boot it comes up with blue screen with errors etc. If anyone can help with images for both or can do it.. beer tokens will be waiting. Wasn't easy getting this great lump in the house on my own lol so would love 2get it running.
Hi to all on here. I have a couple of questions on these triple 777 B3 machines and might be getting one soon. Can demo games be hacked to play in real play..payout etc. Also why do these have to have software updates. Is this like windows or 2 stop tricks which are being discovered by players.I know this is probably not most people's cup of tea but want a change from older machines.