I think it was called space trek.Circular feature board.In orbit and space race were some of the feature.blues brothers-barcrest
super soccer -bwb would love to see this one wdx'd ! ! ! ! !
twin turbo -jpm
bo peep -forgot who ( find my hidden treasures )
ski lift - (find my hidden treasure) people
eastenders -maygay not the two thats available . the one where tricky
dicky and ian beale were on about it about the market stall
club fairground-jpm
popeye -jpm not the available one
sinbad - forgot sorry someone told me here the otherday aswell
volcano - same as sinbad manufacturer
mario kart - maygay l think
space orbit or race or summit - cant remember who made this
quite old these machines but l'm not too old as to remember them :laf: