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Member Since 29 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active May 23 2008 07:23 AM

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In Topic: Broken Links In The Tutorial Section.

29 March 2008 - 08:49 PM

All the links in the following section point back to the main forum and not to the downloads:
"Step 2 - The different emulators

You will now have an entry within your START menu titled 'Fruit Machine Emulation'. Within this you will find a shortcut for each of the emulators.

There are currently 5 different emulators :

BFMulator will run all of the machines you find in this section of the downloads. BFMulator is different from all the other emulators in that it can run an emulation whilst it is still in a .zip file, so long as the ZIP file contains both a layouts and the ROMs.

JPeMu will run all of the machines you find in this section of the downloads. Layouts and ROMs for the latest version of JPeMu are stored in the same ZIP file but must be unzipped before the emulation can be played.

MFME v1.1 and v2.0 will run both MPU3/4 layouts and M1A layouts. Some of the ZIP files for these machines will contain both the ROM and layout and some will be seperate. You will need to check the comments for each download for more details.

MFME v2.0 layouts can be found here and must only be run in version 2 - loading these into version 1.1 will result in an 'invalid layout' error."

The links are pointing to http://www.fruit-emu...ndex.php?cid=14 , which I'm guessing was the downloads section before the site was updated.