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Member Since 29 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 29 2008 11:08 PM

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Can't get Fruit Machine to Start (Do I Have All Files?)

29 March 2008 - 10:55 PM

I recently downloaded my collection of FME ROMs off Usenet. The first machine I tried was "Arabian Nights". I have two files related to Arabian Nights:

Arabian Nights (Barcrest).zip: Arabian_Nights_(Barcrest)_[Dx01_1280_15jp].dat


I tried to play the game with just the .dat and .gam files, but it said that the ROM files were missing. I threw in the .hex file, and now it loads, but it doesn't seem to want to turn on.

I can press buttons, and they rise and fall as they should, but they don't produce any machine effects. The machine looks dark, as if it needs to be turned on.

I cannot find any documentation anywhere relating to these emulators and the structure of ROM files. The '0' key to insert money doesn't work. Nothing seems to work.

Do I have all of the files necessary? I hate to ask a newbie question like this, but like I said before, documentation seems to evade me.

