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Member Since 04 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 11 2011 12:35 PM

Topics I've Started

Megatouch Force Elite Parts Required!

09 November 2011 - 09:06 PM

Hi, not sure if this is in the right section, or if it should even be on this forum, but I am after a motherboard for a 'Megatouch Eorce Elite' quiz machine, and also a 2007 or later force upgrade, preferably hard drive and dongle, but anything considered!

Once again, cheers people!

Bellfruit Manic Miner - Start/gamble Button Decal Needed!

09 November 2011 - 07:26 PM

Hi, dont suppose anyone out there has either a used or new Bellfruit Manic Miner Start/Gamble button decal? Just got this machine cheap, however needs a bit of work!


Club Psycho Cash Beast - Intermittent Fault

12 October 2011 - 08:27 PM

Hi all, haven't posted on here for a while, but need a little help (again)! Fancied a change, so decided to sell my Club Crazy Fruits, and got hold of a Club Psycho Cash Beast pretty cheap, not bad condition either. However, after a few days of playing it has now developed a pretty annoying fault:-

The machine display reads:- '250 DPI 86 (or sometimes reads 84) in.....' and counts down from 4 to 1, then restarts/resets itself. This happens randomly, and occurs with/without doors open etc. When it occurs, the status lights on the MPU5 board, and all other boards, all stay green, with no indication of a fault. (I think that 250 means Jackpot, DPI means 20p/10p play, and 86/84 is the percentage?)

There is also no error message saved in the error log, either.

Any help would be much appreciated!

(Also, any ideas where I could get hold of the engineers manual for this (Genesis/MPU5), either download or paper - I have the basic Barcrest one, but it has very little info in it regarding schematics etc for checking voltages, error codes etc).

Cheers in advance!

'Club Crazy Fruits' fault

20 September 2008 - 09:10 AM

Hi, I have a Bell fruits 'Club Crazy Fruits' that was working fine, but know when I switch it on, after it has checked itself, I get deafend by a loud siren from the machine, and then the fault 'on/off alm 48' is displayed. It will stay like this for a few minutes, then try to re-start, but then display the above fault again. Any help or suggestions?


Crazy Fruits percentage settings

04 April 2008 - 10:53 AM

Hi, just bought my first 'home' fruit machine. I am just having a 'play around' with it before I strip it and re-furbish it. I wondered if anybody could tell me what the 'dip' switches need to be set to for each different payout percentage on the main boad? Unfortunately, no manual came with the machine!

Many thanks, Wayne.