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Member Since 25 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 09 2019 05:11 AM

Topics I've Started

DOND Hot Box - the saga continues...

30 October 2019 - 02:20 AM

I thiught once BFG stopped/lost the DOND licence that would be it. Obvs the concept would continue in all but name, but it seems Betcom are using the DOND name and imagery now, although, it seems, no pics of Mr. Tidy Beard.

I was hoping with the licence going that after a year or two the companies might start being original again and moving from Deal top games but it seems im pissing in the wind.

Big Game DX (Barcrest £10)

08 August 2019 - 05:11 PM

WHat happened to that layout? I defo had it some years back, For some reason I dont now and when I searched there only seems to be a classic available. Had a look on Dxcellent @ DIF and doesnt seem to be on there either can anyone help pls?

What happened to the Holy Moley DX?

08 April 2019 - 01:49 AM

Apologies but i had a few and cant find the orginal thread,  i seem to remember the original thread had a pos in which the creatort said it had been published in response to some sort of critisism. but  i cant find it eother on here or on dif. anyone know anything please?

Remote monitoring?

28 June 2016 - 12:02 PM

We had a call from Gamestec the other day to say they knew one of AWPs hadnt been turned on at all a couple of days ago and they wanted to know why. Im just wondering how they knew? There is nothing out of the ordinary on the outside of the cabinet so im assuming there is something inside but even then how is it connecting? There is definetly nothing using our wifi and the machines arent connected to a phone line.

Red Dwarf Fruity from Red Gaming

13 February 2016 - 07:40 AM



Did this ever pass test? Today is the first I have ever heard of it.
The article is dated Dec 2000. Would this be one of Reds first machines? Were they part of Barcrest Group back then?


Is there a history of Red anywhere on the net? When I googled i found this, but not much else
