See how it goes for an hour or so but KEEP YOUR EYE ON IT, just incase, if it seems to work fine from now on then it wil be ok, ive had one of my machines in storage when i was moving house and ended up leaving it in a garage for 4 month and had a few 'false' errors but all was fine in the end. If the problem continues, check general things like cables and ensure the gamecard is inserted properly, if it continues to f*** up then check the board (the motherboard in the black plastic cover) and you will see easily if there is corrosion to the board which 9/10 is a common problem for causing all sorts of damage. Hope this helps.
Yeah im hoping that its false alarms, i will keep my eye on it, when i get a chance i will check the motherboard, hopefully there is no probs but as i said im a complete novice with the actually working inside the machines!!