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fantastic fantasia

Member Since 20 Mar 2015
Offline Last Active Aug 17 2020 04:01 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Looking for a machine...

10 January 2016 - 02:38 PM


We got 2 crazy fruits (green) a Big Apple and a Homer's Meltdown if still looking?

In Topic: £5 cluedo supersleuth by Maygay

09 January 2016 - 08:37 PM

Hi where are you based ?

and is it in good working order?

many thanks

In Topic: Couple Of Machines I would love to own

06 January 2016 - 03:52 PM

Sorry No King Kebab and the Psycho has been scrapped for parts

Shame but were sold to me as working but never made the grade!

Still have a Fully operational Homer's Meltdown and open to offers on that one and can arrange delivery through my transport company I use so will be better price-wise.

I also have a Donkey Kong lol that's fully working as I see you are a lover of those. 

I will endeavour to get on here a bit more in the new year so if you need to leave a reply then please do and I will eventually see it.



Attached File  emu donkey.JPG   36.78KB   1 downloadsAttached File  emu homers.JPG   42.92KB   1 downloadsAttached File  emu simpsons.JPG   36.96KB   1 downloads

In Topic: Psycho cash beast

06 January 2016 - 02:58 PM

Please see photos

As luck would have it the START BUTTON does have a split in the plastic casing !

That's just the way things go with the law of the s*d 

All threads are good and plastic nut supplied,all backs are clean with no cracked plastic apart from start as indicated.

I'll let you decide if you want to take them.No obligation

Looking for £10 the set and can invoice you through paypal if you have it?

If need to be posted out then Postage via Royal Mail will be £3 in addition

Hope this helps?

Attached File  pcb 1.JPG   21.45KB   2 downloadsAttached File  pcb2.JPG   19.04KB   3 downloadsAttached File  pcb3.JPG   21.85KB   3 downloadsAttached File  pcb4.JPG   23.97KB   2 downloadsAttached File  pcb5.JPG   23.15KB   3 downloadsAttached File  pcb6.JPG   23.26KB   3 downloadsAttached File  pcb7.JPG   16.47KB   3 downloadsAttached File  pcb8.JPG   24.04KB   3 downloads

In Topic: Psycho cash beast

05 January 2016 - 05:31 PM

Hi John,

We do have a complete set of the complete buttons for Psycho cash beast in good condition.

All incl. start,holds,barcrest button plus Zones 1 -5 Take nudges etc.

They are in storage at the moment however I will get them out tomorrow and post some pics for you if you are still interested

I don't really want to split up the set so am looking to sell the whole set as is..... but they will be an asset to a machine that parts are becoming increasingly scarce so worth the investment I think.Entirely up to you.

I think i may have an original hopper unit also if interested?

Just let me know  :)


