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Member Since 12 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active May 15 2015 03:05 AM

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aristocrat games

15 May 2015 - 03:02 AM

Hi all,


im looking for more modern Aristocrat games ad emulator. I have the classic 4 (indian dreaming etc) but wish to have others like 5 dragons, lucky 88 etc


there was a thread on here with them but the link is long dead. if you can help me out I would be very thank ful

please help a poor newbie

12 April 2015 - 07:06 AM

Hi All,


I have downloaded several different roms for queen of the nile, indian dreaming, 50 lions etc and downloaded mame and mame64 and mame32UI but it doesnt work on ANY.


I have seen some threads on here talking about the newer games as well like lucky88 and emulators that come with over a hundred pokies. my question would be where can i get this OR how can i make the ones i have work.


Mame32 doesnt even show my roms as existing, the command line mame and mame64 list them but state not working


Thank you sooooooooo much in advance