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Member Since 20 May 2008
Offline Last Active May 20 2008 06:28 AM

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20 May 2008 - 06:28 AM

hi im new too..
i found out about ur site on youtube and would love to be able to play the slot machines that are available to me at home in casinos etc...
if they are free to play around with play money i think thats cool.
I am having some problems understanding the steps... and i feel stupid saying that since so many other people have already said it all... but if i dont ask i will never learn.

I have downloaded the emulators but i dont understand how to get the roms that i want to work on those emulators... i found some layouts of things i didnt want to test out and i couldnt get them working anyway...

wat i want is 50 lions, indian dreamer one watever its called, queen of the nile etc... those kind of games, and i had a look at someone else asking for the same thing so i went and looked at cow download or wherever and found 50 lions, i extracted the files but i couldnt do anything...

i dont know if this file is a rom for the emulator or a separate thing? anyway i had a look at the download section on ur site and i cant find anything but old wierd looking games lol...

sorry again but thanks for hearing me out...
look forward to seeing a reply.