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Member Since 10 Jul 2015
Offline Last Active Oct 11 2024 05:00 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: RIP - Chris Wren aka Wizard

25 September 2020 - 09:06 AM

I was really saddened to hear this, he helped me with a lot of Astra MFME machines and cobbled the Party Time & Bullions with me as well. He was a talented and friendly guy too. A big hole on the MFME community but will always be remembered with highest of praise.


29 April 2020 - 11:11 AM

Happy birthday mate! :-) have a great day - thank you for your help and kindess with ASTRA mfme

In Topic: My Home Built Machine Progress

12 January 2020 - 11:46 AM

Wow I am jealous as !!!! Looking forward to seeing how you did it mate!


11 May 2019 - 09:04 AM

Yes they do ;P :p I have a set and got base machines working fine, also have the io3 rom for the top which is useless as the top feature needs the entire XP astra PC shell for it to come to life and even then no idea how you could join them together :(


Do the ROMs for party games exist in the wild as in on a emulator rom site?

In Topic: {SYSTEM 1}Astra Party Time Rebuild Version

30 April 2019 - 05:01 PM

Great work on this thanks there is still one o these in my local i was playing it the other day and was wandering if the 40p stars 5 pound jackpot 3 player stand up vertion of bullion bars is in pipeline as it gives good gameplay .and again thanks for this .

hopefully if roms are available depends if it was on io3 or later tech which isnt able to run yet in mfme. Watch this space