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Member Since 30 May 2008
Offline Last Active May 23 2020 11:35 AM

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In Topic: £100 Slots Backfiring>

23 April 2014 - 06:03 AM

There's such a thing as complacency and it doesn't look good. Careful not to kill the golden goose.

In Topic: £100 Slots Backfiring>

21 April 2014 - 07:38 AM

I now know the cashpot trick because there's a big rechipping exercise going on, so if anyone wants to know DOND emptiers then PM me. You all gotta act quick before the code is reconfigured.

In Topic: £100 Slots Backfiring>

10 April 2014 - 07:21 AM

I know straekesims, jaybee - I've been fishing just a bit. My trickster mate big Markie's told me vey little, and Chalkie and his big baldie bad-ass minder keep themselves to themselves !!

In Topic: £100 Slots Backfiring>

05 April 2014 - 09:37 AM

Gooster, Taytay


I've been chatting to a friend of Chalky (empties slots in SE Essex) and he's said that there is a DOND board sequence that, when the machine's 'ready' will drop the Cashpot or Megastreak (guaranteed £100 with poss. repeat).

Your sequence of 4, 6, 9, 10 and 4, 6, 9, 12 is valid on a few DONDS with a *slight* tweak :) !

In Topic: £100 Slots Backfiring>

31 March 2014 - 07:33 AM

Taytay, hands up, sorry, I misread your post, I thought you'd got a repeat via the conventional JP route jackpot (i.e. Bells). Obviously it can repeat via the DOND board!

And I only know a couple of tricks that is true; my trickster mate (who is extremely well connected - in fact he was the first to realize the potential of the true-skill Dial a Win DOND feature a few years back. Was re-chipped in a hurry that one, but not before he cleaned up and sold it on for £££) only throws me the occasional tidbit (usually when the DONDs are about to be replaced). So I'm always a little bit behind the times. (Although there are a few Wetherspoons/Smaller Pubs I can use but I have to time my trips carefully, no point in going once the tricksters have emptied 'em!)

I don't know the cashpot trap; wish I did !!!