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Member Since 31 May 2008
Offline Last Active May 02 2017 08:16 PM

Topics I've Started


14 September 2009 - 09:01 PM

okay they're 3 days late but at least they've only gone for the internet this time.

Probably a stupid question

31 July 2009 - 11:17 PM

but i'd much rather ask a stupid question than break a machine (:

i found this lead that i think was from an old pc i had and just wondered if i could power 2 fruitys up with it without the risk of breaking something, ignore the compaq box was just using it to highlight the cable :jiggy:

Global Gathering - Anyone going ?

27 June 2009 - 09:46 PM

Me and a few people are looking to go to this next month and was wondering if anyone else is/has going and if it's worth the £115 it costs ?

I also see it says "over 18s only" on the web page in which case is a bit shit or is it like a no under 18s unless with an adult type thing ?

Thanks (:

Grab a bargain nails

22 April 2009 - 10:05 PM

2 X £25 JACKPOT FRUIT MACHINES NOT WORKING SPARES ONLY on eBay, also Machine Parts Accessories, Fruit Machines, Coin-Operated, Video Games (end time 29-Apr-09 18:33:14 BST)

I don't know where abouts but i know you live in sussex somewhere. Depending on what's wrong with them they're more than a bargain for 7 quid.

Firefox, what now ?

02 April 2009 - 05:49 AM

Well from the day i was on the internet i've always used internet explorer with no problems but after hearing so many good things about firefox i've given it a try -

1. I've heard it's faster - seems no different from internet explorer

2. The buggers made me type in all my usernames for sites again :lol:

3. What is actually "soooo good" about it, no matter how smalleerr detail I wanna know why it's better than internet explorer.

Morning :)