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Golden Phoenix

Member Since 17 Aug 2015
Offline Last Active Sep 12 2015 12:36 PM

Topics I've Started

Can't add coins to game.

22 August 2015 - 08:15 PM

I'm trying to play "All 4 one", i've got it loaded up, no errors, all the lights are working, but it won't allow me to add any coins. 


I swear it worked the first time I tested it and now it won't. Which makes no sense, i know. 


All of the buttons are fine (mouse changes to a little hand) but nothing at all happens at the coin slot, and I've tried the keyboard but can't find a key that adds coins. 


I'm running it in MFME 10.1


Any ideas?

Cabin Fever Not Working?

18 August 2015 - 07:45 PM



I have downloaded the Cabin Fever Rom and although I can open the layout with MFME v.3 I can't get the machine to work. 


None of the lights function and I can't add any credit. 


I searched the forums and found something suggesting that i go to "configuration" and change a setting, however that option only appears in v.2, that I can find, and this ROM won't open in v.2.


Any suggestions? It looks like a great machine.