Yep, with the mod2 board there was no sound (despite the fact that the speaker wires come from the program card).
I finally managed to repair all the battery damaged tracks on the mod4 board though
The sound worked but was noisy, getting worse when I move my hand near VR1 so I swapped it for the one from the mod2 which fixed it, it doesn't control the volume though, the program card controls that.
I also found someone who had posted a list of tracks he had to repair (although I can't find the post again to credit him) and using this as starting point made a small list of points worth checking which hopefully might help someone out.
- Battery + side to R72
- Battery - side to Ground (pcb underside)
- Battery - side to C47
- C47 top to T20 (E)
- IC8 pins 10-18 to RU7 Pins 1-8 (payouts)
- ZD26 to RU7 pin 1
- ZD27 to RU7 pin 2
- ZD28 to RU7 pin 3
- ZD29 to RU7 pin 4
- ZD30 to RU7 pin 5
- ZD31 to RU7 pin 6
- ZD32 to RU7 pin 7
- ZD33 to RU7 pin 8
- ZD34 to IC8 pin 19
- ZD35 to IC3 pin 39
- ZD36 to IC3 pin 19
- IC23 pin 1 to IC7 pin 39
- IC23 pin 2 to IC4 pin 39