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Member Since 05 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active May 04 2010 10:23 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Knock-Off Nigel

02 August 2008 - 05:25 PM

I completely agree with what you have said about this stupid bit of advertising. You can bet that there isnt a person on this planet that hasn't either watched, downloaded or bought a pirated film/album/game. That make us all 'knock off nigels'? Well im proud to be one when things are so over priced anyway. When it costs more than a dvd to goto the cinema things might change but till then screw the film and music companies.

Music and movie actors earn millions and so do the studios and most of them have no idea what to do with what they have, well apart from those that are shoving it up their noses or injecting themselves with it. Really annoys me that they complain about piracy and how much its costs them and then they brag about movies costing them hundreds of millions and then making more than that in the time that its in the cinemas.

Damn you made me rant lol

In Topic: Introduce yourself

05 June 2008 - 01:54 AM

Hi everyone, just thought i would introduce myself as the bar at the top of the screen is telling me to do lol. Used to be a member on here quite a few months ago and used to have quite a lot of the machines but lost them all when my computer crashed and to be formatted. Got a lot back though and thought i would trude around and see what i could find. As usual though my search brought me back to the best for this.

Glad to see that MFME 9 and 10 have been embraced and im looking forward to, maybe, seeing some quite up to date machines on here, that would be a treat as these are saving me a fortune, good thing as well as i work as a DJ so im always tempted but because i have these i dont bother.

So huge thanks goes out to all the creators and keep up the good work people.
