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Member Since 05 Aug 2003
Offline Last Active Sep 20 2018 11:17 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Books - What type of books do you like to read?

25 June 2007 - 12:10 PM

As the topic title suggests what kind of books do you like to read and why?

I like fight biographies last one I read was the bio of Ian 'The Machine' Freeman what a nutter (bad pun sorry) he is.

The man's a grade A arsehole. FACT!

As for books, I'm currently reading Henry Rollins 'The First 5' a collection of his first 5 books funnily enough.

In Topic: Premiership Campaign Around The Corner!

25 June 2007 - 11:56 AM

im impressed someone remembered my post 1 year on. Pity its scumderland though.

f*** off Henry, f*** on Wenger, f*** Off Arsenal.!!!!!

Nope, didn't remember it. Just happened to log in and look at my post history (of 1) and thought it apt to reply.

In Topic: Premiership Campaign Around The Corner!

25 June 2007 - 09:54 AM

The most improved club this season will be Sunderland. FACT!

See, told you all.

In Topic: Premiership Campaign Around The Corner!

23 July 2006 - 02:14 AM

The most improved club this season will be Sunderland. FACT!