F**K That Lol, Il Just Leave It To The ProfessionalsHow Do You Create Emus? With Photoshop, pics of the machine and the design tools built into MFME.
Is It Hard? Very
Does It Take Long? Bloody Ages
gamblinbastard hasn't added any friends yet.
17 February 2011 - 05:14 AM
F**K That Lol, Il Just Leave It To The ProfessionalsHow Do You Create Emus? With Photoshop, pics of the machine and the design tools built into MFME.
Is It Hard? Very
Does It Take Long? Bloody Ages
17 February 2011 - 12:25 AM
Just Noticed That Theres A Couple Of Cock A Doodle Dough MAchineshttp://www.dadsfme.co.uk/index.php?topic=1536.0
You'll need to open up an account to be able to download.
16 February 2011 - 11:32 PM
Thanks Alot MateCourse there is http://www.dadsfme.c...693;wwwRedirect
you will probably find" cock a doodle dough" on there.
and some tuts on how to emulate.
16 February 2011 - 11:13 PM
Lol Searched For It Nothing Came Upyou could try the downloads section
Is There Any Other Emu Sites?Not on this site, we don't host empires.
04 February 2011 - 05:04 PM
You can not get Red Gaming emu's as there's no softwear to run them on also I would not go round saying make me this fruit to play coz as you see it don't go down well lol.