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Member Since 09 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 12 2021 01:19 PM

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In Topic: File not submitting

05 December 2020 - 11:50 AM


Thank you  :thumbs_up:

In Topic: New simulations

15 August 2020 - 03:23 PM

Hi Vivid, I would be very interested in the sims you are mentioning, I would like to give some advice: Due to me having no sight at all, could the machines work using keyboard shortcuts with a text file of them in like layout creaters do with MFME? Otherwise I do not have the 2 sims you created as I didn't really know about them at the time as I have been getting so caried away with the new MFME 20.1 and testing out which layouts are blacklisted and which are now playable. Cheers.

Hello I have finished. Thank you for the feedback, my monopoly game does not have shortcuts, but its my first game and quite dated now. However Spectrum 7s and Two Fat Ladies both have keyboard shortcuts with the hotkeys listed via an in game menu, I will take note to include a text file with keyboard shortcuts in any future releases :)

In Topic: New simulations

11 August 2020 - 04:10 PM

Hey Vivid,


It's good to see you are still around and that you are doing projects still.


I still have your 2 sims that you did years ago as I remember beta testing them out with you.

 Hey its good to see you again too Jamesy, I remember doing the beta testing with you, feels like forever ago now

In Topic: Help with registering on dif

31 July 2020 - 10:17 AM

There’s a lot lot more since then
Has partytime been emulated was a favourite question lol

What mfme do you currently have? If none after 10.1 then you’ll need a couple
V5/5.1 is needed to “convert” all layout pre Nov 2016 to be able to play them in the newer emulator which has just been updated to v20(20.1) when you’re account has been approved read up on various topics you’ve a lot to catch up on since you last came here.
Look forward to seeing you over on the island

Haha yes I remember hearing that one a lot too. I got access to dif last night got the new mfme and spent the night on a nostalgia trip. Thanks for the advice with running the older roms too :)

In Topic: Help with registering on dif

30 July 2020 - 07:28 PM

And there's a lot of stuff not available anywhere but at Desertislandfruits.

Also don't forget Dad's www.dadsfme.co.uk, some exclusive stuff there also and The Mecca www.fruitemu.co.uk, which is where talk of the possibility of the new MFME first started.

Thanks for the help there, ill make sure to check all those out too. I remember when I was last here we all laughed at the thought of DOND being emulated so its great to see its actually happened