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Member Since 05 Aug 2003
Offline Last Active Dec 26 2024 09:01 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Bgt Mini Wild Cherry Problems

17 June 2023 - 01:57 PM

You finally got one!!! :) :) :)

Oh yes, still on pre-steel coinage unfortunately.. Anyone know how to retrofit a replacement mech for a Azkoyen L6 at all, or at an outside chance, know of someone able to update such a mech?

Using a MARS, Coin Controls mecs etc, is just not feasible, so an equivalent Azkoyen at the minimum is needed.

Also unfortunately with mine, after a time of use, reels go out of sync, and inside the machine due to it's small size, it gets pretty warm, with the main fan sounding like a jet engine, so I think first need to sort the fan (Should be pretty easy, as I have a number of large 12v PC fans), and I think the PSU could use with recapping.

In Topic: Bgt Mini Wild Cherry Problems

14 May 2023 - 05:19 PM

Speaking of this machine, I have roms, dumped from the very machine I have


In Topic: Oud lid Shaggiesweb zoekt eigen ontwerpen.

13 August 2020 - 05:50 PM

Hello everyone,

My name is Michel and I improved certain slot machines in terms of layout at Shaggiesweb in 2005 and 2006, I was known there as Spencer. I had good contact with the owner of Shaggiesweb, I think his name is also Michel, but could also be confused with another Michel who also emulated slots.

I have re-equipped both BFM and MFME cabinets with a larger screen resolution, namely 1280-800, or with a better background quality. I don't remember all of which cabinets, but I'm sure of the Supertron, of which shaggiesweb had several releases with a bad layout or a resolution of 800-60. I replaced the layout of the Supertron that you could play on the entire computer screen, the 1280 by 800 resolution. I seem to remember that that issue was downloaded hundreds to maybe thousands of times.

Now I made two cabinets at the time, because I'm a heavy metal fan I made three cabinets from the bands Judas Priest called Painkiller, a timer variant. Kiss which is called Rock and roll over, also a timer variant, and finally Iron Maiden, which is called Powerslave and was a turboplay variant.

I had everything on a USB stick that broke from scratch, very stupid that I hadn't made a backup anywhere, it contained all the Dutch slot machines including ROMS and Layouts.

Is there anyone, or maybe Shaggy himself (that's what I called him), who still has these cabinets stored?

I lost sight of shaggiesweb at the time, I seem to remember that he started a new website where you could also download pinball machines.

So if someone is willing to possibly still have those four cabinets, I will be happy to have them.




In Topic: Old #mpu34 IRC Chat

08 August 2020 - 06:01 PM

As per slashers instructions on another thread, updated link here, you just need to pick a nick to use, which can be also registered with /nickserv if you wish, for use later.

In Topic: Old #mpu34 IRC Chat

06 August 2020 - 12:40 PM

Anyone with Android can use the following....
