Member Since 05 Aug 2003Offline Last Active Dec 26 2024 09:01 PM
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The "Who's Real Naughty" list.
You all know the rules, first 10 on your friends list....
Dumping salt in Mrs Claus's sugar cookies: Yvonne Marie Tuten
Replacing Santa's hot cocoa with hot water: Andrew Franks
Ate all of the Candy Canes: Jon Htid Wilson
Replacing all the wrapping paper with toilet paper: Vladimir Sjekloca
Tinkling obnoxious words in the snow: Summer Wilson
Getting the Elves to misbehave: Auriol Richmond
Cheating at Reindeer Games : Waldemar Sch
Taking the sleigh for a joy ri...

This f'ing cold / flu / whatever the F it is, best piss off soon..... Christ I feel like crap :(

Man flu eh, worst kinda cold going. Get a hot rum toddy down ya, that will sort ya a good un
Dec 13 2011 03:13 AM

If I have EVER made you smile, please click like. Then put this as your status and
see how many you get. Time starts now.

Even more important than the warmth and affection we receive, is the warmth and affection we give. It is by giving warmth and affection, by having a genuine sense of concern for others, in other words through compassion, that we gain the conditions for genuine happiness. More important than being loved, therefore, is to love.
Dalai Lama

HA! Sorted the problem with Modify Headers in FF, and it was such a stupid mistake too.... they have changed it slightly, dropped the always on tick box, and now has a big green button marked START in place of it :D
Now, I'm off to cause some mischief on SP Studios BBS :D

Two bikers are sitting at a bar. One turns to his mate and pulls a face like a Jew presented with Hitler's Gas bill; "What's that smell?, you farted or shit yourself?"
The other biker doesn't miss a beat, "Shit myself."
"Ah Christ mate, why don't you go clean yourself up?"
Sipping his pint thoughtfully, his mate replies, "Haven't finished yet."

Dec 02 2011 06:47 PM

I am beginning to wobble very badly with quitting smoking after 11 days (I think?), as I have just purchased a 10 pack earlier, and whilst I have not had any of them yet, I am finding it very hard to, right up until I saw an advert on TV done by the NHS just an hour a go, of this 6 year old girl, who lost her mum through smoking.
I actually cried for her.
Quite a sobering thought, which made me think, if I start smoking again, I'm basically saying that this little girl who lost her mum thro...

1969kappa → stanmarsh14
i chalange you to a ski off Stan Darsh(do you now which episode thats from?

gemini17 → stanmarsh14
Many thanks for that matey-I did have that file on me pc but wen i moved i lost them all!!!did have em on a disk but didnt store the files for some reason!!!so am startin from scratch lol-Quick ??-can u throw any lite on why some barcrest games run slow???even wth speed maxd out-lol-the run slow-v.annoying