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Member Since 20 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 24 2020 10:10 AM

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In Topic: Astra B3 Jack and the giant Jackpots

29 November 2019 - 10:33 AM

I have a image wizard for one of these, well, a king pots so i'd expect it to reimage one of these.

Hi Spa, 


Does this mean it can be copied onto an additional HDD ? If so what games do you have ? What happily pay if this is the case. 


Thank you 

In Topic: Astra B3 Jack and the giant Jackpots

27 November 2019 - 09:21 AM

Hi Screwball great to hear you have it sorted. 


If you get an answer as to the adding games can you let me know please. 


As i would be very interested. 

In Topic: Astra B3 Jack and the giant Jackpots

25 November 2019 - 11:02 AM

Good Morning, Sorry for the late reply. 


If you go on ebay item number 222529413707 


That guy deals in this kind of thing and will be able to sort your machine for you :) 


Just drop him a message

In Topic: Astra B3 Jack and the giant Jackpots

22 November 2019 - 08:48 AM

As above, I would suggest a corrupt hard drive.  I own one of the same machines and never seen a found new hardware wizard ? 

In Topic: Betcom £5 Jackpots?

25 July 2019 - 09:11 AM

This was a £100 machine they converted it down to £5 when they brought in some new machines.