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Member Since 01 Mar 2016
Offline Last Active Feb 27 2018 08:01 AM

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In Topic: stake and prize key alarm

01 April 2016 - 04:50 AM

That machine has never been updated to £70. Only £25 and some were updated to £35. Try those on 30p stake .


thank you i will

In Topic: stake and prize key alarm

31 March 2016 - 08:10 PM

Yes i know its dond i mean what is the name, eg big reds crazy chair whats in your box, walk of wealth.

IMG 6508

In Topic: stake and prize key alarm

31 March 2016 - 08:07 PM

IMG 6508

In Topic: stake and prize key alarm

30 March 2016 - 05:31 PM

There could be a possibilty that the machine will only go as high as 35 quid jackpot what is the name of the dond machine, try switching to 35 jacky if that works then yoi need new software and pic chip.

machine is a Bell fruit DEAL OR NO DEAL 92 217 084   SCORPION 4

The ROM is the computer chip that holds the game programme. A bit like a cartridge in an old games console.

You often need differently coded programmes, even for the same game, to allow the machine to run different ranges of stake/prize. This means that you need to change that computer chip. Also the PIC chip, which contains a specific security code that authorises the machine to run that programme.

thank you sir 

Correct me C, my reflex has two sets of ROMs one set £5/35 other £70, ID personally stick to £35 max better gameplay

thank you sir 

In Topic: stake and prize key alarm

30 March 2016 - 06:42 AM

NO im a complete novice only brought it for me but do not understand a lot of the abbreviations so a bit stuck what is ROM