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Member Since 21 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Sep 20 2011 09:11 PM

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In Topic: Introduce yourself

22 June 2008 - 05:27 PM

Niiiice one Baz your a superstar :D
It time for some revenge

In Topic: Introduce yourself

22 June 2008 - 03:17 PM

Hi all,
A new member here just wanting to say hi to everyone,
Its been years since ive messed around with fruitys but im hoping to compleate a mission i never manged to complete years ago.
When i was a teenager i used to go visit my family every weekend at the seaside an a little place called withernsea in the uk and always used to end up in the same little arcade playing the same machine it was called "open the box" i think it was made by ace but cant remember for sure but it had a red lcd screen that used to say "look for my hidden treasures".
Well this machine used to rob me mon a weekly basis so i set my mission years ago to get my revenge lol :D
But i cant find it anywhere on any emulator :cry:
Was kinda hoping some one else could point me in the right direction or aleast remember it themselves....
Well congrats on a great site think ill be spending alot of time here