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Member Since 22 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Sep 08 2008 09:55 PM

Topics I've Started

Crazy Fruits - we're getting there (almost!)

05 September 2008 - 07:30 PM

In the previous thread I had decided that it was probably the MPU that had failed. It turns out that I was right, however I'm still not quite out of the woods yet :-(

It now self tests (with no faults), moves the reels, and gets itself ready to go. I insert coins and the credits appear in the display, the start button flashes, I press it - absolutely nothing!!!

I have looked at the DIP switches, I think I have them correct, although I am getting no sound (the alarms work) but there is no other sound?

Any thoughts. Can somebody supply the DIP switch settings, so I can be sure I have them correct.

Thanks for your help so far.



Crazy Fruits - new owner some help required please

22 June 2008 - 10:52 PM

Hello All,

I have just been given a Crazy Fruits machine. I knew it was faulty when I was given it, but if any of you more experience fruit machine owners could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.

On power on I get "Checking Sound Card", then "Checking ROM", then it clicks at roughly 1 second intervals. It does nothing else. I've had a quick look inside and the mother board power supply LEDS are all lit up, the LEDs on the reels are lit, but the red reset light flashes in sympathy with the "clicks".

Any suggestions, where should I start.

I know that this machine hasn't been used for quite a while. Is there a "master reset" anywhere that I can use?


P.S. My main hobby is miniature trains, see lmandwr redirect