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Member Since 24 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 28 2021 03:12 PM

Topics I've Started

Copy of DIP Switches Required

24 September 2020 - 10:20 AM

Hi guys

I have an Empire Haunted House fruit machine and wanting to change the stake and jackpot from 10p £5 jackpot to 20p £8 tokens so if anyone could send me a copy of the dip switch setting it would be much appreciated I don't want to guess them I would rather do it proper and have a copy of all the dip settings thanks everyone


13 January 2017 - 09:30 PM

hi all 


can anyone tell me if there will ever be HOW BIG IS YOUR ROCK emulated for MFME5 ive noticed its been done for amber but was looking for it to be done for MFME5 thanks 

Jpm Emulator Problem

26 January 2013 - 06:39 PM

Can anyone tell me why i cant use the JPM Emulator every time i try to load it up i keep getting the message JPM Impact Emulator has stopped working. Please help me with this problem i am missing playing my old favourites thanks