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Member Since 10 Aug 2003
Offline Last Active Feb 19 2013 02:25 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: First Fruity You Remember Playing ?

12 May 2006 - 11:07 AM

My first BWB was either windfall 2p - £1.50 or cashcade 2p - £1.50 in an arcade called 'Alfies' on Kessingland Beach - Suffolk and sneeking into the holiday camp behind and emptying theirs too! lol age 11.

I dont think these have been emulated yet but if anybody knows different then please leave me a message or email me askanthea@hotmail.com

In Topic: who own's a fruit machine

04 June 2005 - 06:09 PM

Ive got blackjack club.
bought with full set of decals for £75,£100 and £200 payouts
took me 2 years to search out this machine and i got it for £50
only needed to replace the battery.

someone tried to sell me a similar machine for £350. and i nearly bought it. but the lad working for im in his arcade told me to fu@k off until the bosscame back - try tommorow he said . narr - so i kept searching and presto same for £50. lucky lucky me!


In Topic: does anyone go for a punt in great yarmouth or lowestoft

08 March 2005 - 05:26 PM

Yep - can tell yuo where to 'punt' in Lowestoft.

South Pier, Clairemont, Booly, Showboat or Bridge Amusements.
and then there were some classic arcades like Alfies in Kessingland.

Now that had an 'open-the-box' machine pre-video. that waas a classic which was slightly boken so when you won the £1.40 jacktop it would repeat and you'd endup with about £5.00 ;-) and then there was the Deans holiday camp which had a siver shuffle which you could spin in and old 10p inplace of a 50p and get 5 goes and 40p change! Micheal used to get very annoyed when the yarmouth boys used to tdo that.

unfortunalty lowestoft and yarmoth have their own group of strimmers - I could go on and on and on about this! ;-)

so what do youm want to know about the sunrise coast?

In Topic: mpu5

19 April 2004 - 04:52 PM

its not been emulated - because nobody had emulated it yet.
it is possible - but if it was done you could very easily end up with a litigation battle as did BLEEM! the psx emulator and gamecubes emulator which is in touble now.
MPU5 will be emulated when a group of peeps like us get togeather and emulate it. But emulator dont happen over night. - do they??
be patient and watch the news. you'll see it begining within the next 12 months.


In Topic: emulate!

10 April 2004 - 08:12 PM
