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Member Since 12 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Nov 05 2024 02:53 PM

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Which emulator to use - MFME9? or earlier

23 September 2018 - 09:19 AM

Good morning all, I've looked on the forum before posting this as I know it must be covered before but I just can't find it...sorry, just point me in the right direction and thanks for your time.


I'm try to establish which emulator I should use.  I've downloaded MFME9 but I see many of the layouts will only work on earlier versions.  Is there a tool that I can use to convert an old layout to MFME9 or should I use a previous version.


Why have the earlier version not been archived so there is only a current release that works with everything?


I'm fonder of the older machines, Firecracker, Eachway Shuffle anytning from the early years...


Thanks again for any pointers or advice.

