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Member Since 29 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Sep 13 2017 11:34 AM

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In Topic: sr5e coin mech updated

07 March 2017 - 05:13 PM

simpy answer to this is just change the coin control sr5e mechs to a cashflow cf9524e and get that updated you will get no problems at all ,trust me had the problem for months until I swapped for a cashflow mow all up and running and takes the new £1 and new 5p and new 10p

In Topic: Barcrest Pacman Power up - new £1

07 March 2017 - 05:01 PM

get rid of your sr5e mech they are a pain with barcrest mpu6 ,especially when it come to the new coin set ,and new £1 ,just change it for a cashflow cf9524e and get that updated ,trust me 100% ive had the same problem months ago with out any help really ,only really trying to make more money out of me ,telling me to send a already updated coin mech in to charge me then same problem ,and then point the fingers else where ,so before you spend loads of money ,just change the mech for a cashflow cf9524e and jobs a good one .

In Topic: sr5e coin mech updated

16 February 2017 - 03:45 PM

ok after a month or so trying to get this to work with all diffrent sorts of maybe answers ,got intouch with barcrest ,and you cannot have both old and new pound coin run on the sr5e if its fitting in a barcrest mpu6 ,it will work in other machines ,but not the bacrest ,if any one has had one updated and is working in a barcrest mpu6 ,that is both old and new pound coin please give some info cheers

In Topic: cash flow cf9524e with sorter

05 February 2017 - 06:10 PM

May stand a better chance at COAMAS for something like this bud.....


ok cheers

In Topic: coin mech update problems

13 December 2016 - 12:19 AM

hi there thanks for that,have already treid that before with encryption on with default key 123456 and with the silver number on the coin mech also with it off with all the 000000 i get the same thing alarm 10/70 ,and after that can get into test mode ,unless i boot up with the coin mech unplugged then once in test mode,connect the mech back up ,same alarm 10/70 with doors closed or open ,personally i think its the way they are programmed.