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Member Since 11 Jul 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 14 2013 12:43 AM

Topics I've Started

Buying A Machine. List Inside, Help Me Pick

30 January 2013 - 07:13 PM

Ok so im buying my first machine for use as a piggy bank at home, I know nothing about servicing machines so fingers crossed i dont ever have to much.


Any tips/things to look for when buying and inspecting the machine?


He has 10 machines but 4 all fixed ready to go:

I might choose one of the others that need work, but so far the ones i know he has on offer are:


Infinity, - played before, not much fun i think.

Crazy Knights - youtubed it looks very basic and boring not many features.

Spin on it:- never played it or cant find any videos online

Secret 7s-  never saw one before.


Which of these would be fun for features? any links to emulators for them or vids /pics? 




(my favourite game is "top giza" i like the features on it, and is it "cops n robbers" or safe crackers" or something the one with same style play as top giza.)


How Do I Reset A Fme That Has An Error

05 April 2010 - 11:34 PM

how do i sort out error that says "go check it out"
it happens when i hit the "money up" coin slot too many times! happening a couple of my fmes.
also id like to know how to change settings on the FMEs to make a bigger payout. (perhaps there is a dummies guide up here?)