14 March 2017 - 06:01 PM
14 March 2017 - 03:22 PM
Thanks Dave, I think the machine might be slightly different since there are only 3 percentage switches.
I'll take a picture of the stickers inside the machine and post them to see if you can provide any further help. Thanks.
14 March 2017 - 09:29 AM
Question, if I buy a 9pin dongle (key) to change the percentage payout instead of using the built in 3 switches which allow for changes from 72-86%, will it work and override the switch settings?
I guess not, bought one and it doesn't work.
11 March 2017 - 02:05 PM
10 March 2017 - 10:45 AM
Question, if I buy a 9pin dongle (key) to change the percentage payout instead of using the built in 3 switches which allow for changes from 72-86%, will it work and override the switch settings?