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Member Since 03 Aug 2017
Offline Last Active Aug 31 2017 07:50 PM

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SR5e mech update

13 August 2017 - 08:08 AM

Good morning all!


I've got a Take it or Leave it machine with the SR5e mech, not currently accepting new pound coins.


Are these paired with the machines at all? It will prob take a week to get mine updated but there is someone only 15 miles from me selling one that fully updated for only £10 more! 





Not sure what to get, any suggestions?

10 August 2017 - 06:11 PM

Good evening guys, I'm fairly new on here, so go easy. :-) 


I've bought a DOND but the seller seems to be messing me around with shipment and I don't think he has it anymore so will prob cancel the sale.


I've started looking at other machines but don't really know if I should look at any certain brands/makes ect for what I want?


Its for home use only, more of a savings pot but a little fun at the same time..


Ideally something that has a few different stakes, a £100 payout minimum and a note acc or the scope for me to add one.




Any suggestions? Thanks 

Newbie here

03 August 2017 - 09:05 PM

Hello, I didn't see an introduction section but wanted to say hi!

My name is Hayden, from Essex and I've just bought a machine off eBay for my man cave/garage! Looking forward to taking delivery!

Its a deal or no deal machine, not sure of any models or year yet, but are manuals available online so I can start reading?

Thanks !